Friday, March 2, 2012

Preparing Your Family for a Move

Moving in general is stressful, but what about moving your entire family across the country? Moving your family can be difficult and everyone in the family, including your toddler will likely experience anxiety. 
Your children will not want to give up their friends and they certainly don’t want to be the new kid in school.  Does your spouse have to give up his/her current job for the move?  Moving the family is going to be a difficult transition but there are ways to cope.  With a little time, and the below tips, your family will eventually settle in to the new home.
Toddlers and Preschoolers
Even though you may feel that your toddler or preschooler will do fine during your move, they may feel just as much anxiety as the rest of the family.  The only difference is that they may not know how to express their fears in words. 
Reading the following books to your children may allow them to understand their feelings on moving and help them to cope with the change.
·        We’re Moving by Heather Maisner
·        Berenstain Bears’ Moving Day by Stan Berenstain
·        I’m Not Moving, Mama by Nancy White Carlstrom
·        Who Will Be My Friends? By Syd Hoff
·        Alexander Who’s Not (Do You Hear Me?  I Mean It!) Going to Move by Judith Viorst
·        A Tiger Named Thomas by Charlotte Zolotow
Make sure that you discuss the move with your child.  Allow them to ask questions about the move and ask them how they feel about the move.

School Aged Children
Research schools in your new area as well as programs and sports for your school aged children.  Have your child to pick an after school activity or sport to join in order to allow making friends a bit easier.  This will also keep them occupied and help ease the anxiety they may feel from the move.
When you pick out your new home, allow them to see the home with you before the move.   Most children feel like they have no control or say over the move.  Allow them to make suggestions on colors, decorating, and arranging the furniture in their bedroom. 
Drive around the new town and show them restaurants, amusement parks, movie theaters and other family fun places that you will visit together as a family, give them something to look forward to.
Your Spouse
Your spouse knows that the move is good for your family, just as much as you do.  But it’s still going to be a difficult transition for them, especially if they have to quit their job in order to move for yours. 
If your spouse doesn’t have work lined up in your new town, there are many things they can do in order to keep busy and make new friends.
·        Volunteer work will help your new community as well as introduce you to new people and could possibly lead into a new job.
·        Joining your child’s PTO will allow you to be a part of your child’s new school and meet their teachers and other parents.
·        Another option is taking classes at a local college or even taking up a new hobby such as painting or crafting.
Even though your family may not be excited to move, there are ways to make the move more tolerable and less stressful.  If you are looking to move in the near future please don’t hesitate to visit our website in order to learn more about the services we can provide to you or your company, as we service local, out of state, corporate, and commercial moves. 

You can also reach us toll free at 1-800-926-2770 with any questions regarding our moving services.

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