Friday, May 25, 2012

Combining Households: Moving in With Your Significant Other

There are many moments we look forward to as well as cherish in our lifetimes.  Graduating from high school and college, moving out of our parent’s home, walking down the aisle, having children and watching our children grow, to name a few.  Somewhere in the mix of those milestones, we likely take a leap of faith and decide to move in with our significant other. 
Many decades ago, you didn’t move in with another until you were married.  Today it seems to make more sense to move in with each other before fully committing.  However, just because you are not signing a marriage certificate, coupling your life and belongings with another person is a huge step and should not be taken lightly.
There are many factors to consider before moving in with your partner.  Whose home will you move into?  Will you purchase a new home together?  Will you rent an apartment or condo?  Will you have enough space to accommodate each other’s belongings?
If one of the two of you are more established in a home, it’s likely that choosing which home to move into will be a piece of cake.  However, if you are both living with parents or roommates, you may need to find a home or apartment to start fresh in.
Once you determine where to live together, the hardest part is determining how to combine your belongings.  There’s no reason to have two beds, two couches, two blenders, etc.  Before fighting over what to keep, what to toss, what to give to friends, and what to store, think about it before the actual move.
No matter which items you choose to keep in your new home, make storage a must.  Whether you decide to keep a storage shed in your backyard, rent a storage unit at a local facility or contact Sorensen Moving and Storage for your needs, you won’t regret it. 
Of course, in all relationships, we hope for the very best, but don’t throw out all of your belongings in the event that you and your significant other decide to part ways at some point down the road.
And of course, whether you are moving in with your best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend or escaping any of them, please don’t hesitate to visit our website in order to learn more about the services we can provide to you or your company, as we service local, out of state, corporate, and commercial moves. 
You can also reach us toll free at 1-800-926-2770 with any questions regarding our moving services.

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